Correlation With Cannabis Use and Lower Blood Pressure
A French researcher has concluded that both current and lifetime cannabis use are associated with lower blood pressure levels after assessing the relationship between cannabis use and blood pressure among a population-based cohort of over 91,000 subjects. The research findings were recently published in the journal Nature: Scientific Reports.
The investigator reported: “In adjusted covariates models, lifetime heavy cannabis use was associated with decrease in both SBP [systolic blood pressure], DBP [diastolic blood pressure], and PP [pulse pressure] in both genders, but with a higher effect among women … Current cannabis use was associated with lower SBP levels in men and in women. Same results were observed for DBP and PP.”
He concluded, “Longitudinal studies are needed in general populations and then in hypertensive patients to highlight the potential lowered BP effect of cannabis in a medical use.”
A 2021 Israeli study of elderly hypertension subjects determined, “Cannabis treatment for three months was associated with a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as heart rate.”