How To Use CBD Oil for Erectile Dysfunction
CBD and other hemp-related products are well-known for their mysterious, and sometimes miraculous, healing abilities. They’ve been known to reduce joint pain from arthritis, help manage symptoms from anxiety, depression, and PTSD, as well as improve neurological health. Is there anything that CBD can’t help?
Well, CBD gurus have been testing how to use CBD oil for erectile dysfunction (ED), and they’ve managed some success.
While CBD does not directly cure erectile dysfunction, it targets the root cause of the condition to relieve symptoms. Erectile dysfunction is often caused by an underlying condition, like diabetes or stress, and CBD can alleviate those things.
In this article, we’re going to look at how effective CBD is for ED, as well as the best CBD oils to use for erectile dysfunction.
How Does CBD Help With Erectile Dysfunction? The Science Explained
In order to understand how CBD affects erectile dysfunction, we first have to understand what CBD does to the human body.
It’s generally accepted that CBD activates a number of receptors in the body, known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). These receptors are found throughout the body, with specific receptors in the reproductive system and the brain. The system as a whole has been found to “regulate diverse physiological functions, including caloric energy balance and immune function”, but it has also been linked to libido and sexual performance.
Now, you might be thinking, “how does CBD help you sexually?” and that’s a good question. Multiple studies have shown that using CBD or other cannabis-adjacent products can reduce anxiety, which is a key factor in libido and sexual performance. CBD has also been incorporated in a number of sexual lubricants to make the experience more enjoyable, but studies on CBD lubricants are few and far between.
So what about ED? Can CBD really improve symptoms?
Alas, the science around CBD usage and erectile dysfunction are similarly lax, but there are a few facts that are well known.
- CBD can help relax the body, including muscles and blood vessels, which may improve your chances of sustaining an erection.
- Anxiety, a key cause of ED, can be treated with CBD in small doses, which may improve sexual performance in males struggling with ED.
- Other causes of ED, like diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression can be alleviated with the use of CBD products.
Is It Safe To Use CBD for ED?
CBD is still a relatively new kind of “medicine”, so the long-term effects have yet to be quantified. However, in the short term, it’s clear that CBD doesn’t have many negative side effects.
One study suggested that men with ED, low libido, or sexual anxiety who use cannabis products, including marijuana and CBD, on a regular basis experienced low libidio in the long run.
The science surrounding libido and ED coupled with CBD use is still a bit murky, but when used in moderation, CBD products are found to help reduce anxiety and symptoms of other chronic illnesses.
You should always use CBD oils, gummies, or topical creams as directed by the manufacturer. Using these products improperly might lead to other issues, such as diarrhea, dry mouth, or fatigue.
Best CBD Oils For Erectile Dysfunction (Ranked)
There are a few different ways you can use CBD to help improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction. The primary method is with a topical oil, cream, or lubricant, but you can also use a CBD vaporizer or take it orally.
We recommend using CBD oils or creams for ED. Oils are typically taken orally with a dropper or as capsules. Creams, on the other hand, can be used topically, rubbing them on painful or sore areas, or in this case, on the genitals to stimulate blood flow.
Here are some of the best CBD oils for erectile dysfunction:
Lord Jones Royal Oil
This full-spectrum CBD oil is safe to take both orally and topically, and it’s free of any added colors or flavors. The product is produced with broad-spectrum CBD that’s derived from hemp extract. It’s only mixed with grapeseed oil so you can rest assured that it’s as pure and safe as they come.
The Royal Oil comes in a 30ml bottle containing 1000mg of CBD. The added grapeseed oil is rich in Omega 6, which makes it a great moisturizer when used topically.
Lazarus Naturals Classic CBD Oil Tincture
Lazarus Naturals is a leading brand when it comes to CBD oils and tinctures. Their flavorless, high-potency CBD oil is great for all aches and pains, and can also be used for ED. All the hemp used for this product was grown on Lazarus Farms, and the end product was tested by a third-party to ensure it was free from pesticides and heavy metals.
The Classic CBD Oil Tincture comes in 15ml or 30ml dropper bottles, with 750mg and 1500mg CBD, respectively. This product is great for experienced CBD users, as the high-potency oil works well for people with developed tolerance.
Charlotte’s Web Original Formula CBD Oil
Charlotte’s Web CBD products are always top-of-the-line and best-in-class. Their original formula is the classic CBD oil for all uses. It reduces stress and anxiety, alleviates muscle and joint pain, and helps regulate sleep patterns.
The Original Formula comes in either 30ml or 100ml bottles, with 50mg CBD in each milliliter. It comes in two flavors: Mint Chocolate or Olive Oil.
CBD for Erectile Dysfunction FAQs
Should I consult my doctor about using CBD for ED?
CBD is a home remedy, so many products don’t require doctor’s approval. But, if you’re already taking medication, you should check with your physician before taking CBD.
Can erectile dysfunction get worse if I take CBD?
Generally, no, your ED won’t get worse. If you’ve been a long-term CBD or cannabis user, you might experience lower libido, but CBD won’t make ED worse.
Are there CBD oil alternatives for ED?
If you’re not a fan of CBD oil, then you can try using CBD gummies instead. They’re already prepackaged for the correct dosage, and there’s very little room for error. Plus, they taste a bit better than CBD oil, even the flavored kind.